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    Fee Structure (for Academic Year 2024-25)

    1. Annual Fee for MBA (Finance)
      • All Categories except PWD Category: Rs. 48,500/-
        • (With an additional Rs. 50/- as enrolment fees for non-DU students)
      • PWD Category: Rs. 12,125/-
    2. Application Fee
      • General Category: Rs. 2,000/-
      • SC/ST/PC Candidates: Rs. 1,000/-

    Hostels Details

    Aravali Hostel & Saramati Hostel: Provides accommodation for postgraduate male 1st & 2nd year students with amenities like a common room, gym, and internet. Located within the South Campus for convenient access to academic departments.

    Geetanjali Hostel: Provides accommodation for postgraduate female students and includes amenities like a common room, gym, and dining hall. Located within the South Campus, ensuring safety and convenience for female students.